The General Assembly in Detroit is adopting several actions that are or will get a lot of press, Here are some summaries:
1. The General Assembly approved an Authoritative Interpretation of the constitution, effective on Saturday noon, EST, that allows ministers and Commissioned Ruling Elders to perform same-sex marriages in states that allow same-sex marriages. Sessions may allow same-sex marriages in churches and other church-owned property.
No minister, CRE, or session would be required to perform or allow a same-sex contrary to that person's or body's conscience.
2. The General Assembly approved a rewrite of Directory of Worship W-4-9000 that uses the term 'two people (traditionally a man and a woman)' where the current use is 'man and woman.'
This proposed amendment is to be sent to presbyteries for ratification. If approved by a majority of presbyteries it would be effective June 21, 2015.
This also has a provision that specifies that ministers, CRE's and sessions would not be required to violate conscience.
More details in a PC(USA) news release
2. Referred to Mission Responsibility Through Investment a proposal for possible divestment from fossil fuel companies.
We are talking about divestment from 3 companies supplying material to Israel that is used in relation to Israel's relation with Palestinians. More to follow.