The calendar of presbytery events is at the foot of the page

Contact stated clerk Pete Wells to add events to the calendar

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Blessings of Travel

ElRae and I are in Newport, OR, for a long weekend between a short speaking opportunity to the Oregon City Attorney's Association and some dental work in Portland on Tuesday.

We had the pleasure of worship at the First Presbyterian Church of Newport.   It was an additional pleasure to learn that Rev. Eric Chavis of the Presbyterian Foundation was the guest preacher.  We appreciated his message of stewardship of all our resources.  Seeing Rev. Chavis reminded me to remember to invite him to presbytery meetings in October or April.

Blessings come in many ways, including seeing friends in when each of us is away from home.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Presbytery Newsletter #1

The Stated Clerk has distributed the presbytery's first bi-email monthly newsletter.  This newsletter was distributed to 56 people on the presbytery's mailing list.   Newsletter included information on the March mission trip to Birmingham, Alabama and the April presbytery meeting.

The next newsletter will be distributed in mid-July.  It will include more information about presbytery mission activities and some highlights from the 220th Presbyterian General Assembly held in Pittsburgh, PA, June 30 to July 7.

To be on the mailing list for future newsletters, click on the "subscribe" button in the left column.