The calendar of presbytery events is at the foot of the page

Contact stated clerk Pete Wells to add events to the calendar

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Presbytery Resource Exchange

Presbytery member Ginger Johnston has suggested that the presbytery find a way to help ministers, pastors, and others exchange information about books, other publications, or other resources that you have found helpful in your ministry.

As a first step for as way to do this, please post, as a comment to this post, information about resouces you suggest to others.  You may also make comments to posts by others.

Facebook users may find other comments on the presbytery Facebook site.

You may receive notice when others post to this site by entering your email address in the "subscribe" option to your left.   These posts are copied to the Facebook site.

Personnel Committee Solicits Applications to be Stated Clerk

The position of stated clerk and treasurer of Eastern Oregon Presbytery is elected for a three year term. June of 2013 is the end of one of the three year terms. Pete Wells has held this position for three terms and is eligible to be re-elected. At the January council meeting, the personnel committee was asked to solicit applications from other candidates who may be interested.

Any ruling or teaching elder who is eligible for membership in the Presbytery may apply. Click here for the position description. The position is designated as part time and has a stipend of $588 per month. Some weeks may require up to 30 Hrs. of time.

Submit application letters by Saturday, March 9 to personnel committee moderator Dale Lindsey by email or by post to Dale Lindsey,  70470  Bear Creek Road,. Wallowa, Or.  97885.