The calendar of presbytery events is at the foot of the page

Contact stated clerk Pete Wells to add events to the calendar

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April Presbytery - Other action

The Presbytery of Eastern Oregon met in stated meeting in Pendleton, Oregon on April 19-20.  In addition to fellowship, discussion, worship, and sharing a common table, the presbytery conducted the following business:
  • Elected Rev. Steve Toth to fill the unexpired term of Rev. Keith Hudson as commissioner to the Synod of the Pacific for a term ending in September, 2014.   Rev. Hudson has resigned effective after the May, 2013 Synod meeting due to demands on his time.
  • Elected Ruling Elder Pete Wells to serve as presbytery stated clerk for the term July, 2013 to June, 2016.  Elder Wells was first elected to this office in 2004.
  • Commissioned Ruling Elder Jack Schut to serve as pastor to the Pendleton First Presbyterian Church for the months of June through August, 2013, while pastor Rev. Roger Harwerth is on sabbatical leave.
  • Recognized Luke Rembold who is beginning the inquiry process to determine whether he is called to the ministry in the Church.
  • Approved revised statement of priorities for mission grants for 2014 and beyond.
  • Approved amendments to the presbytery by-laws to make chairs of all committees named in the by-laws members of the the presbytery while in office.
  • Accepted invitations from Grace Presbyterian Church, Milton-Freewater, to host the presbytery meeting in October, 2014, and Pioneer Presbyterian Church, Burns, to host the presbytery meeting in October, 2015.  
The next presbytery meeting will be at the Pine Valley Presbyterian Church, Halfway, October 25-26.  The meetings in February and April, 2014, will be in Umatilla and LaGrande, respectiely.

For more information see the Presbytery of Eastern Oregon home page, the Eastern Oregon Presbytery Facebook page, or the clerk's Eastern Oregon Presbytery blog.

Presbytery Meeting, Amendments to the PC(USA) Constitution

On Saturday, April 20, on the proposed amendments to the PC(USA) Book of Confessions and the Book of Order, the Presbytery of Eastern Oregon voted to:
  1. approve the proposed new translation of the Heidelberg Confession and 
  2. to approve proposed Book of Order Amendments 12-A and 12-C through 12-J.  
  3. It voted to not approve Amendment 12-B, amending the language of G-2.0104a on gifts and qualifications for ordered ministry.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Post Elder and Deacon Necrology for recognition at presbytery meeting

We ask each congregation to post here the names of elders and deacons who have passed to Life Eternal in the past 12 months so that they may be recognized at presbytery worship on April 19.  If you are having trouble posting, email names, type of service, and date of death to Pete Wells, Stated Clerk.

Eastern Oregon Presbytery to meet April 19-20 in Pendleton

The 2013 spring meeting of Eastern Oregon Presbytery will be:
Friday and Saturday, April 19-20, 2013
2:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church
201 SW Dorion Ave
Pendleton, OR 97801
The presbytery meeting will begin promptly at 2:00 PM. Friday. Additional meeting background material, including suggested lodging, may be found at and will be available at the meeting.
Each congregation should send a commissioner. Travel expenses will be reimbursed for commissioners, members and invited guests.

Friday dinner, a Continental breakfast, and Saturday lunch will be available at the the church. The suggested donation for dinner is $8 and for lunch is $7. The Continental breakfast is complementary.
Please help the Pendleton First congregation prepare the appropriate number of meals by indicating your participation at by Monday, April 15.

Travel will be reimbursed at 28.25¢ per mile for members of presbytery who travel alone and at 32.25¢ for those who drive with more than one official participant. Half the double room lodging expenses for one night will be reimbursed for each person who finds it necessary to stay overnight Please make your own lodging reservations in Pendleton.

The next presbytery meetings is scheduled to be October 25-26 at the Pine Valley Presbyterian Church, Halfway.