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Friday, July 9, 2010

General Assemly, Thursday, July 8

Thursday was very full day of decision-making for the General Assembly on a wide variety of subjects including: 
  • 30th anniversary of the Presbyterian Peacemaking program; 
  • Create a commission to facilitate restructuring the regional bodies (synods); 
  • Propose for ratification by half the 173 presbyteries a change in the standards of ordination of elders, deacons, and ministers; 
  • Adopt resolutions dealing with firearms violence and the immigration law recently enacted by Arizona; and
  • Distribute to presbyteries two studies on marriage and civil unions, the committee report and committee minority reports of a prior special committee.
I will post a little more detail about some of these in comments below.  For more detail see the PC(USA) General Assembly site at


  1. There are three levels of of administrative structure above the church in the Presbyterian Church (USA). The presbyteries are the fundamental structural component and provide services to the ministers and churches in the presbytery. These are much like counties in direct service to churches and church members. Others provide services to the presbyteries. Some synods are experiencing difficulties as contributions decline. There are 16 churches in the Presbytery of Eastern Oregon from Umatilla to Lostine, Halfway, and Burns. We are a part of the Synod of the Pacific which includes 11 presbyteries in Northern California, Nevada, southern Idaho, Oregon and a small part of SW Washington.

    The proposal will allow a special commission to work with synods to help find new ways to serve the churches and the members. Usually, changes in synod structure must be approved by the General Assembly. The next General Assembly will be in 2012 in Pittsburgh. The commission will be able to act before 2012.

  2. The General Assembly proposed for ratification of more than half the 173 presbyteries a change to the standards for ordination of elders, deacons and ministers. It is likely that we will discuss this in October and vote in February.

    Delete the current language
    "Those who are called to office in the church are to lead a life in obedience to Scripture and in conformity to the historic confessional standards of the church. Among these standards is the requirement to live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman (W-4.9001), or chastity in singleness. Persons refusing to repent of any self-acknowledged practice which the confessions call sin shall not be ordained and/or installed as deacons, elders, or ministers of the Word and Sacrament."

    Insert in its place
    "Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (G-1.0000). The governing body responsible for ordination and/or installation (G.14.0240; G-14.0450) shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for the responsibilities of office. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.4003). Governing bodies shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.”

