October 22-23, Burns
February 19, 2011, Umatilla
April 8-9, 2011, LaGrande
October 21-22, 2011, Baker City
At its September 11 meeting, the presbytery council will consider the schedule to consider the business referred to presbyteries from the General Assembly. That business includes proposals to adopt the Belhar Confession (requires ratification from 2/3 the presbyteries), changes in the ordination standards (G-6.0106b), adoption of the proposed new Form of Government, and other changes in the Book of Order and Rules of Discipline. If the presbytery council proposes to consider parts of the GA referrals at different meetings, it may be helpful if churches appoint commissioners who can participate in all or most of the meetings between now and April.
The full list of meetings through 2020 is here.
More information about the items before upcoming presbytery meetings is here.
Links to presbytery reference information is here
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